Café & Kitchen

Cafét & Restaurangen har öppet
Lördag 7/9 Kl.14-22
Söndag 8/9 Kl.12-17
Högrevsgryta med rödvin och örter, serveras med kokt potatis, lingon, rödbetor
och sparris 199 kr
Ugnsbakad torsk med ajvar sås, ris och gröna ärtor 199 kr
Vegansk chiligryta med bönor och tofu. Serveras med creme fraiche, koriander, lime, tortilla bröd och majskolv 179 kr
Sill tallrik: Matjesill, löksill, senapsill, potatis och gräddfil 149 kr
Hamburgare med sallad, tomat, inlagd gurka, cheddar ost, karamelliserad lök, dressing
150 g burgare med brioche bröd 119 kr
90 g burgare med mjölkfritt bröd 99 kr

fre 16-22
Lör 12-22
Sön 12-19
3 Juli-17 Augusti
Ons-Sön 12-22
29 & 30 Juni
6 Juli -4 Augusti
24/8 kl. 12-20
25/8 kl.12-18

Welcome to our charming café & kitchen with rights. The restaurant has its special character with a view over the water. We make most of the food and pastries from scratch and there is always a meat/fish/vegetarian or vegan dish on today's menus, which are varied every week.
During music and event nights, various buffets are sometimes served (info under the events tab here) We do not take table reservations during these nights without "first come, first serve" usually applied as the customer arranges himself.
We buy wines from the local wine importers Grand Labels and LugnaboS-örter, guide & wine.

In addition to the traditional beer types, the beer range also includes locally produced beer from Torrskog's källarbryggeri.